Register Accommoditation

If postgraduate students work as midwives, they pay midwife will fee, if they work as an academician, they will pay academician fee.
-Registration fees include 18% VAT.
Services included in the registration fee;
-Participation in meetings, entrance to the stand area,
– Participation in coffee breaks and lunches in the congress program
-Congress materials (name badge, certificate of attendance)


Affiliated to Atatürk University Hospital; You can choose Ata Practice Hotel and Atatürk University Guesthouse 1-2-3, Teacher’s House, Police House, DSI Guesthouse, and Meteorology guesthouses. (Accommodation fee is not included in the congress fee and belongs to individuals.)

You must send your congress payments to the IBAN below by writing your name, surname and TR ID number in the explanation section.
The receipt and student documents should be sent to the congress mail( address.

Bank Name: Ziraat Bank
Bank Branch: 112-Erzurum
Account Holder : Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Kurumsal İletişim Direktörlüğü
IBAN : TR62 0001 0001 1289 3749 8150 01

Kongre Binası
Atatürk Üniversitesi Nenehatun Kültür Merkezi

Bilgisayar Bilimleri Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi